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Aim To Have Your Own Business

Aim To Have Your Own Business

Having our own business is one of the most successful things we can do. There are so many aspects when it comes to starting...
Liver health

5 Practices for a Healthy Liver

The liver, according to Ayurveda, is the seat of pitta dosha. Different types of enzymes carry out metabolism and digestion in the body. These...
How much does translation really matter for small businesses?

How much does translation really matter for small businesses?

Translation and localization matter greatly for small businesses, especially if you serve communities in a linguistically diverse city like Cape Town. To stay abreast...
5 Mistakes and Solutions to Note While Decorating Your Home

5 Mistakes and Solutions to Note While Decorating Your Home

Over the past decade, home decor has become increasingly popular. It's easy to see why: with so many options available, it's possible to completely...

How to Buy Your First Crypto

If you’re looking for ways to diversify your investment portfolio, cryptocurrency could be an excellent opportunity to get in on this booming digital economy....