Everything That Makes A Well-Stocked Kitchen: A List of Must-Have Kitchen Essentials

Everything That Makes A Well-Stocked Kitchen: A List of Must-Have Kitchen Essentials

Having all the right tools and essentials in place will help make every cooking process seamless. However, home cooks must make sure that they don’t overdo it all on the day of moving into a new kitchen or when they’re doing a makeover. From frying pans to cutting boards, check out this list of must-have kitchen essentials for a fully functioning kitchen. Time to bring the takeaway nation back to loving the process of cooking! 

  1. A Set Of Knives: There will be a lot of cutting and slicing involved, so better get a set of sharp knives for that purpose. If budget is an issue for a full set, make sure to get the main three: A paring knife, a butter knife and a chef’s knife. These three knives can take care of almost all of the work but ensure that they are of good quality. It’s also a very good idea to buy a knife sharpener to keep the knives in pristine conditions for years. 
  1. Cutting Boards: Obviously, for every set of knives, there should be a cutting board, preferably made of wood. Don’t buy boards made of marble or glass, as they can dull the blade. As a safety measure, replace cutting boards every few years. 
  1. Frying Pans And Saucepans: Non-stick frying pans are super versatile for any kitchen and can do frying or sauteing, so buy two or three pans of different sizes. For the liquids, get saucepans as they help with simmering beans or boiling vegetables.

Read Also: Top 10 Kitchen Remodel Mistakes to Avoid!

  1. Spoons and Cups: Spoons are a must for stirring, measuring or adding small amounts of oils and other additives. Larger ones made of wood can be used for cooking, and you can buy a whole set for various uses. As for the cups, a set of drinking cups and measuring cups will be beneficial. Don’t forget the spatulas!
  1. Bowls, Jars, Pots: Bowls made of steel or glass can be used for measuring ingredients or as serving dishes. They can also be used for mixing. Jars help store smaller ingredients like sugar, salt, spices and herbs, so buy those too, preferably made of glass. As for the pots and pans, stainless steel ones work well, and they can last for longer periods too. Being heavy-duty, they can take the heat without any adverse effects. Saucepans and sheet pans are also a must for sauce making and baking cookies, respectively. 
  1. Graters: Micro planes and box graters make the shredding work hassle-free. Although it’s not used regularly, both are still a valuable addition to any Australian kitchen. 
  1. Kitchen Appliances: With the basic list complete, it’s time to move on to the big ones. The first on the list are Dutch ovens that can be used to cook anything. Finding the right size can be a bit tricky as it depends upon the homeowner’s cooking style and the number of members in the house. The second on the list would be blenders and food processors, and although they are not necessary for every kitchen, they can still make all the cooking processes way easier and so they can be labelled as a must-have. Next up are the roasting pans and baking dishes for those who love Thanksgiving dinners. Finally, there’s the mixer for all the aspiring home bakers. 

Once all the necessities are bought, and the kitchen is worked over, the homeowner can add new items to the list for their convenience. However, do keep an eye on the budget and don’t buy anything initially that the kitchen doesn’t need, especially the fancy items. 


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