6 Best Books to Read After Failure

6 Best Books to Read After Failure

Failure is among life’s tragic facts, but the earlier we embrace it and learn that failure isn’t the end of civilization, the more! How we recover from failure is determined by our attitude toward loss. In his book Learned Optimism, Martin Seligman says that those who believe failure is irreversible are much more prone to melancholy and anxiousness. People who saw failure as a momentary setback, on the other hand, were more likely to rise from the embers and continue to succeed. If you’ve just suffered a debilitating setback, reading motivational novels might help you get back on track. We’ve compiled a selection of some of the top books to assist you in getting through the hump and start moving in the right direction.

1. After the Fall

This is, after all, a children’s novel. It’s lighthearted and amusing, and it’s not meant to be read on its own. Instead, the joy of reading that to others will inspire you. To see a youngster’s understanding, whether delivering Santat’s books to a member of the family, a roommate’s child, or in a school environment, will put your problems into context. Humpty Dumpty not only failed, but he also lost a bit about himself in the bargain. How does he deal with his apprehensions? What obstacles did he just have to face? What strategies did he employ to solve them? The responses from your younger crowd will teach you a lot. Several of them may put your troubles into better relief than you could have anticipated.

2. The Little Book of Stoicism

Failure, Resiliency, and eventual success are all themes that have been around for a long time. Even though Salzgeber’s book is based on the stoic Greek philosophers, it was published in 2019. The Little Books of Stoic is a pragmatic handbook that is simple and enjoyable to read. This book is for you if you’ve ever felt overburdened, weighed down, and looked for strength in simplicity. Read this by downloading only on u1337x.org.

3. Failing Forward

Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones for Success by John C. Maxwell

Even though this list focuses on current works, no realistic list on how to succeed after a failure could leave out this 2007 classic. Despite its intellectual bent, Failing Further is a short and enjoyable read. Maxwell draws extensive use of scientific data and tales from history. As a result, he builds a case for why you should not just stop dreading loss but welcome it as a path to success in the future. Maxwell’s technique is both pragmatic and motivating to the reader. Apparent drawbacks turn into benefits. And having new skills to employ in both your work and private life will drive you.

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4. The Failure Book

Whenever we lose, we prefer to decrease our expectations. You didn’t get the large customer, did you? You probably always go for the lesser one next time. This strategy devolves into a pathetic self web that has ensnared every one of us at one point or another. The Failure Book is a collection of disaster stories from notable scientists, business executives, and athletes. But, more significantly, this one-of-a-kind paperback book offers practical guidance and activities for increasing your strength in the face of failure.

5. The Resilience Factor

The author of this book Dr.Thompson is a cancer survivor who has overcome several challenges in her life to get a Ph.D. in business admin and handle more than 160 customers as a businessman. The Endurance Factor places a greater emphasis on human development than on corporate operations. In the face of hardship, that is, developing inner strength and fortitude. On the other hand, the reader may adapt her teachings to any of life’s challenges. This excellent and intimate book follows a self-help paradigm, encouraging readers to examine themselves. The author offers a guided notebook that may be used as an ego, a practical tool to help you build strength amid adversity.

6. Go for No! Yes Is the Destination, No is How You Get There

Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There by Richard Fenton

If you are in sales if you supervise an office, run a firm, submit financing proposals, or are actively looking for a new job. And the most common response you’ll get as a salesman is “No.”

The teachings aren’t just happy-go-lucky cliches. Instead, the book walks you through the process of moving from seeming failure to true success. Even though our list strives to provide valuable books for various preferences, Go for No! It will offer you the tools you need to convert apparent problems into positives. 


Reading books on loss and how some people overcome it is a terrific method to motivate yourself to hold a different view regarding your terrible life events. If you’ve just suffered a heartbreaking setback, we encourage you to pick yourself back up, pick up a few of these novels, and urge yourself to carry on with your career!



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