What Are The Tips To Reduce The Feeling Of Jet Lag

What Are The Tips To Reduce The Feeling Of Jet Lag

What Is Jet Lag?

When traveling from one time zone to another, you can experience jet lag. This happens when your internal clock does not match the local day and night cycle. Your circadian rhythm is a natural biological clock that helps you stay alert during the day and sleep at night. The body relies on this cycle to maintain a healthy balance between sleep and wakefulness. However, if you are traveling long distances, you may find that your body does not adjust well.

A person experiencing jet lag is usually in a good mood and may have a bad case of fatigue. While jet lag is generally a temporary problem and usually goes away within a few days, it can be chronic. If it persists, it can be a problem for sleep, putting you at risk for chronic health problems. While the symptoms are common, they will eventually go away. Fortunately, jet lag is not harmful to most people.

People who travel long distances are at an increased risk of experiencing jet lag. Even if the flight is short, the change in time zone can throw off the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Depending on your age and health, your body may not be able to adjust to the new time zone quickly. Those who have a regular schedule are less likely to experience the effects of jet lag. The symptoms of jet lag should be gone within a couple of weeks, but you should consult your healthcare provider if you have a more severe case.

What Happens To My Body When I Have Jet Lag?

The body’s internal clocks can also become confused when traveling through different time zones. The simplest example is switching from the US to European time. Your wristwatch will tell you that it’s six to nine hours forward. But your body doesn’t reset easily. So what’s going on?

Your deep sleep cycle is affected by light, and the brightness of sunlight can affect them. This is why light and dark affect your body’s circadian rhythms. Exposure to light also plays a role in jet lag. And while flying from one time zone to another, your body’s internal clocks are altered. If you’ve never suffered from this before, don’t worry–it’s just a matter of adjusting to a new schedule.

Even though your body doesn’t know the time zone, it’s likely to adjust to the new time zone. Your body’s circadian rhythms are based on the 24 hour day, and it takes a while for them to change. The sooner your body catches up to the new time zone, the less likely you will experience jet lag symptoms. You may want to consider undergoing a sleep study.

What Are The Tips To Reduce The Feeling Of Jet Lag?

What Are The Tips To Reduce The Feeling Of Jet Lag?

If you are going on a long flight, you can do some simple things to decrease your jet lag symptoms.

Try To Drink More Water:

If you know that your flight will be delayed, drink more water than usual. This will help your body adjust to the time change and make you feel better upon arrival. In addition, if you plan to go from west to east on your trip, you should drink more water than you usually would.

Try To Get Plenty Of Sleep:

Try to get plenty of sleep before your flight. Many people will sleep for a few hours before their long flights due to the excitement of the pre-holiday. However, this is a big mistake. Getting a good night’s sleep before your flight will help you feel less jet-lagged during the rest of the trip. It is also helpful to avoid alcohol or caffeine for the duration of your trip.

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Go To Bed Two Hours Before Departure:

As a general rule, the longer your flight is, the worse your jet lag will be. It is recommended that you go to bed at least two hours before your departure. Try to get up a few hours earlier than you usually do if you can. It is better to avoid bright light before sunset and sunlight before sunrise when flying east. It is also best to stay away from alcohol and caffeine.

Avoid Lights:

You should avoid bright light as much as possible. For example, you should avoid sunlight before sunset. This will increase the melatonin in your body, as melatonin works when you are exposed to darkness. The same applies to travelling westwards. By adjusting your schedule before your flight, you can reduce the symptoms of jet lag.

Moreover, a healthy diet will help you adjust to the new time zone. Exercise is also essential to adjust to the time zone. If you cannot sleep for long periods, it can lead to depression and fatigue.

Eat Foods Rich In Protein And Carbohydrates:

If you can’t fast, try to eat breakfast simultaneously as your destination. Foods high in protein and carbohydrates will help your body adjust to the time change. And, don’t forget to drink plenty of water. This will help you sleep better. These are just some of the most common tips to reduce the effects of jet lag. You can also avoid drinking alcohol before your flight if you have to.


If you are travelling east, you should adjust to the time difference before you leave. By doing this, you will sleep a few hours earlier than usual. This will help your body adapt to the time change before your flight. It also helps to drink plenty of water before your flight. While you’re on the plane, try to avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they are known to increase the feeling of jet lag.



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