5 Best Free SEO Tools For Blogging

5 Best Free SEO Tools For Blogging

In case you are looking for something to give you an edge over your competition, all the usual SEO tools will be able to help you in achieving your goals.

But when you are into blogger and looking to increase the numbers on the organic traffic part, your requirements will be a little unique. 

Yes, of course, you will need the assistance of an SEO tool, but you need to choose those particular SEO tools that will help you perform the following tasks. 

  • Keyword research.
  • Creating content. 
  • Website audit. 
  • Internal linking and backlinking. 
  • Keyword tracking.

Along with doing all these jobs, the tools also have to be affordable so that you do not feel your pocket light. Here is some good news for you that you can get all these tools for free, and for that, you just need to visit thenewpiratebay.org. 

Best Free SEO Tools For Blogging 

Here, we have prepared a list of the 5 best free SEO tools that you can use for blogging. Although these tools come free, when it comes to their purpose, they work pretty well. And the best part is that they all are used by most of the top SEO services provider companies. 

Now, let’s check them out. 

Tool No. 1: Yoast 

Yoast is basically a WordPress SEO plugin. For bloggers, this suite of SEO tools enables optimizing the content right in the interface of WordPress. Using Yoast, you can add structural data, internal links, meta descriptions, and slugs to your blog posts.

For blogging, you need to focus a lot on the on-page SEO part, and Yoast works excellently in that. With its help, you will be able to create content that will be perfect for Google search. Yoast is one of the 4 biggest SEO WordPress plugins. 

Tool No. 2: Google Analytics

After all, you are doing SEO for the largest search engine Google. So, it will be best to learn from them. Google Analytics is a free tool that will allow you to check the position of your blogging website in the search engine. 

Only doing SEO is not going to help you in long learning. You need to know how the strategies you have implemented are performing. Here, with this tool, you will be able to check the SEO metrics for your website. 

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Tool No. 3: Moz Pro

For bloggers, Moz comes with a wide array of features which help users discover optimal keywords, improve the link-building strategy, and find SEO errors. With the implementation of Moz pro, you will be able to increase ranking, visibility, and traffic. 

With this, you also can tune-up with your competitors and check what they are doing to bring the desired result. In case you are looking for a solution to do an SEO audit, Moz pro can help you with that as well. 

Tool No. 4: Uber Suggests

Bloggers most likely have known about Uber Suggests, and that is obviously for a good reason. For blogs, Uber Suggest is one of the best tools. With this, you will be able to attract more traffic through site audits, keyword research, and competitor analysis.

Its stunning user interface will allow you to access information with ease. If you are just starting with the SEO optimization of your blogging site, the detailed dashboard will help you a lot and prevent you from experiencing any major hurdles. 

Tool No. 5: RankMath

When you are blogging, we can assume that you are most probably using WordPress. If you are actually doing so, RankMath is another excellent SEO tool that can optimize your sites for social media and search engines with Google Schema markup integration and Google Search Console integration. 

The best part is that it is super easy to set up and also includes a configuration wizard. It results in an efficient, easy-to-use, and stylish user interface. It also suggests both external and internal ranking suggestions, content readability, title, keywords, and many more. 

To Conclude

For all the different aspects of the SEO optimization of your blogging site, you can opt for these tools. As all these come with their free versions, you do not need to spend a single penny apart from paying the internet bill. 



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