5 Mistakes You Are Making On Social Media and Solutions to Them

5 Mistakes You Are Making On Social Media and Solutions to Them

Whether you are getting well acquainted or starting your social media journey, consider learning from the mistakes made on social media. Businesses should be ready to know the dos and don’ts of social media marketing. In this way, you can grow your page with more comments and views. Also, your likes on Instagram will become more as you gain more followers. So, to grow, learn the mistakes and how to address them. Below are common mistakes you are making on social media. 

1. You overly promotional on social media platforms

To turn people off fast, focus on posting content that focuses on your offering. Most people on social media pages such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram always freely say what annoys them with the many brands on social media. The answer is brands that overpromote on social media are the most annoying. Therefore, most people unfollow them to avoid getting any notifications or posts of the same kind. The best thing to do is to follow the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of content should be promotional content, and 20 percent calls to action content. Also, experiment with posting content from others that is quality. You can find a lot of content to use and have a schedule calendar to avoid over-posting.

2. Your social media objectives are not defined

Your social media objectives are not defined

Set goals to know how best your social media’s marketing is performing. Proper goal setting increases the like hood of your success on social media. Yet, many businesses do not consider creating goals for their business on social media. When you have clear goals, it boosts your strategy and serves as a metric to ensure you measure your progress. Describe the specific outcomes and goals you seek to accomplish with your social media activity. What are the goals you want to reach with activity on social media? The goals should be in line with your business goals. The solution here is to set SMART goals. The goals you set need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-specific to be a reality. It can be tempting but do not delete negative comments. The best thing to do is to respond timely manner and positively. 

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3. You are on the wrong social platform 

Not all social media sites are the same. Every platform attracts different audiences. Therefore, with limited resources, focus your efforts in one place. Choose the social media’s platform where your efforts will generate the most returns. However, you cannot guess the best one. There is no need to spend time on a social media site, and your audience is not present there. Plus, do not spread yourself too thin and be everywhere. Every platform you are in requires your effort and time to create content and engage the audience. So, do your research and know where to find your target audience. Therefore, use polls, surveys, and anything available to help you know social networks for your audience. 

4. You are posting irrelevant content

Social Media

Give people excitement to wait on your content by sharing worthy content. People ignore any content that is irrelevant or boring. For each platform, create tailored content. People have different expectations for the content they view from all platforms. Therefore, to solve this, avoid adding to the online chatter. It will only add the noise and not add value. Also, before you post anything, check if it is relevant content. Plus, set an editorial process for your social media’s posts. In this way, you are sure what the post says before posting. 

5. Your headlines are boring

The headline you choose is the first impression your reader gets. No matter how good your content is, few people click on it if the headline is not captivating. What value do your readers get if they proceed in reading your content? Most people judge the content of your post with the headline you give it and decide if it is something worth reading. Instead, consider the free tools available online to help you analyze the quality of your headline. Choose one that analyses your title and can tell you the character length, keyword strength, and emotional resonance.



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