How to boost your writing skills when you’re in college


Statistics show that many students perform poorly due to insufficient writing skills. Writing is a crucial skill every student in college should have. It enables a student to present an idea clearly. Improving writing skills for a college student takes personal effort and determination.

 Poor writing skills can render your work null and void since it hinders the reader from getting meaning out of your content.

There are different things that portray poor writing skills. They include lack of flow, plagiarism or lack of originality aspects, use of plain language, poor grammar, lack of creativity, etc. Academic work such as research paper writing requires experience and good writing skills to be effective. In this article, we will discuss tips to improve your writing skills when in college.

1. Do research

Conducting research is vital as it familiarizes a student with top-notch topics you to write about. Through research, you can retrieve what others have done in a given field of study. Research helps to bridge the gap between what was done and what needs to be done in the future.

While going through what others have done, research is open to criticism. This involves noting mistakes and acknowledging them. It also entails adopting what is good. For example, methodology used, pilot test, use of similes, metaphors, plotting, etc.

2. Draw a plan

Planning before you start your writing is necessary to help you set a completion time. Prior planning also enables you to draw an outline of the writing. The outline forms the guide for writing and enhances the flow and organization of your work.

3. Focus on the topic

Focusing on the topic makes you a good writer and improves your writing skills. Use different thoughts and ideas while remaining within the topic.

Going out of topic renders your work irrelevant. For example, if you are writing a topic about the effects of corruption on the world economic system, you can discuss all other factors but in relation to corruption.

4. Concentrate

Every student needs to be in a favorable environment for their brain to work effectively. A friendly environment helps to reduce all forms of distractions. Ensure you get rid of noise, music, and sounds.

Another factor that will enhance your concentration on writing to improve writing skills includes, lighting your study room adequately.

5. Follow instructions

Academic writing work comes with sets of instructions to guide your work to required standards. Following instructions can perfect your writing skills since you will not go out of topic. Adhering to writing instructions enhances the quality of the work.

Failure to follow the provided instructions may make your work irrelevant to the subject matter. You get low scores if you ignore instructions. This may lead to careless essay writing mistakes which may result in failure.

6. Embrace reading

Reading widely will improve your content and language. Read any material at your disposal, including new papers, magazines, novels, scripts, poems, and other relevant materials. Reading helps students to learn and understand how to apply different writing styles to hook their lecturers.

7. Take part in writing competition

One of the best ways students can gauge their writing skills is by leveraging their work with others. This is possible through engaging in writing competition where strengths and weaknesses are identified against others. This will enable a student to use the comments to improve writing skills.

8. Put writing in your schedule

Putting writing sessions in your schedule means you will be able to do it regularly. This will enable you to conduct writing practice regularly to boost your skills. Ensure you write something every day, correct mistakes, and deploy new discoveries.

9. Make consultations

Students understand the scopes and clarify different aspects of how to write by asking their lecturers and tutors. This helps them iron their writing skills by wrongful use of words and other writing aspects that lowers the quality of your work.

There are several consultation sources such as professors, colleagues, literature books, and google searches. Do not use phrases that you do not understand in your writing.

10. Let someone else proofread your work

No matter how smart you are in writing, errors are always present. When proofreading your work, you may notice some grammatical errors and mistakes. It is therefore advisable to give some else your work to proofread.

If a mistake is pointed out, do not try to justify it but rather correct it immediately. Re-read your work after proofreading to ensure all things are in order before submitting.

To sum up

Improving writing skills in college requires a student to be determined, focused, and ready to learn, as discussed in this article. Students who have good writing skills can come up with outstanding work. They can complete their assignments on time and score high marks.


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